Sebastian Neumann

Head of PHINEO Impact Startups

Sebas­t­ian is Head of PHI­NEO STAR­TUPS a divi­sion of PHI­NEO gAG. He has more than 10+ years’ expe­ri­ence with­in inno­va­tion, dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and startups.

With a just-do-it” men­tal­i­ty, he thrives on build­ing new things, build­ing agile teams, and fos­ter­ing a cul­ture of inno­va­tion. He sees him­self as a bridge builder, as he speaks both the cor­po­rate lan­guage and the start-up lan­guage. He found­ed a com­pa­ny him­self and man­aged it for three years, worked for the dig­i­tal con­sul­tan­cy EY etven­ture for many years and car­ried out sev­er­al large inno­va­tion projects with com­pa­nies there. 

Sebas­t­ian stud­ied Strate­gic Man­age­ment at Dublin Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, Design Think­ing at Has­so Plat­tner Insti­tute and recent­ly on cli­mate change at the Cam­bridge Insti­tute for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Leadership.