Dona­tions & Allo­ca­tion of Funds

What can be so com­pli­cat­ed when donat­ing or fund­ing? Almost everything.

The mon­ey could end up some­where else, fiz­zles out with­out hav­ing made any impact, or expen­di­tures and return are out of proportion.

Well-man­aged dona­tions or grants are char­ac­terised by the fact that they fol­low a plan and that thought is giv­en before­hand to what should be dif­fer­ent after­wards:

  • What impact will be achieved by this dona­tion or this funding? 
  • Is the intend­ed form of the allo­ca­tion of funds the right one? How much is need­ed to achieve the desired impact?

We do not have a ready-made solu­tion. But we do offer indi­vid­ual solu­tions to make your allo­ca­tion of funds as effec­tive as pos­si­ble.

Our ser­vices:

  • We help to find the right fund­ing scheme for you — whether it is the estab­lish­ment of a foun­da­tion, the man­age­ment of a large dona­tion or an invest­ment with a com­bi­na­tion of impact and return.
  • Togeth­er with you, we iden­ti­fy suit­able top­ics, sup­port you with the call for pro­pos­als, ensure the qual­i­ty through analy­ses & risk checks and com­pile the portfolio 
  • If required, we can take on the man­age­ment of the dona­tion: plan­ning of the fund­ing, call for funds, report­ings and con­trol­ling. We rely on lean and proven work­flows at every step in the allo­ca­tion of funds.
  • Of course, we also sup­port you in giv­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty to your dona­tion and to yourself. 

This is what defines us:

  • We cur­rent­ly man­age large dona­tions from 100,000 to 100,000,000 euros.
  • We act as a spon­sor our­selves: We sup­port many projects in var­i­ous areas with mon­ey and resources. There­fore, we are famil­iar with the mar­ket and know which are the deci­sive levers.
  • We know how to set up a low-risk fund­ing port­fo­lio and take uncer­tain­ties into account.

Get more information:

Sonja Schäffler

Major Donor Consulting & Impact Analysis
+49 151 116 464 12