Impact Analy­ses

Our analy­sis method makes the qual­i­ty of non­prof­it work visible.

We show you what has impact! – Our analy­sis method makes the qual­i­ty of non-prof­it­work vis­i­ble and measurable. 

With help of our impact analyses …

  • those who fund can use their mon­ey more effec­tive­ly, and
  • those who help are able to bet­ter reach their tar­get groups.

What makes it so spe­cial is that our method can be applied to all areas. It is as applic­a­ble to foun­da­tions and com­pa­nies, as it is to the pub­lic sec­tor, phil­an­thropists and investors. 

We help every­one who wants to make a dona­tion or is look­ing for coop­er­a­tion to find impact-ori­ent­ed orga­ni­za­tions. For that pur­pose, we cre­ate map­pings of any depth and range upon request.

Our Seal of Impact analy­ses are of great impor­tance to us. These analy­ses help us to iden­ti­fy non-prof­it projects that make an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to solv­ing a social issue, and that have proven to have a high impact poten­tial. We then award them with our Seal of Impact.

Our ser­vices:

  • We ana­lyze non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions and award them with our Seal of Impact.
  • We sup­port foun­da­tions & phil­an­thropists as well as investors if they want to learn more about their own social impact, their impact log­ic or the impact of their fund­ed projects. Upon request, we cre­ate map­pings, scout projects or car­ry out risk checks. 
  • We ana­lyze social enter­pris­es and assess their impact poten­tial and impact performance.
  • Our data­base con­tains hun­dreds of projects that set an exam­ple and are wor­thy of a donation.
  • We con­duct eval­u­a­tions of projects and pro­grams specif­i­cal­ly for the pub­lic sec­tor.
  • We share our exper­tise with every­one inter­est­ed in impact — through pub­li­ca­tions, work­shops and web-sem­i­nars.

This is what defines us:

  • We have a patent­ed analy­sis method that is trans­fer­able to all areas of work and life.
  • We have now ana­lyzed over 3,000 projects and orga­ni­za­tions of all sizes and from all sec­tors. We are famil­iar with all aspects and fields in which impact can be manifested.
  • We offer a large part of our exper­tise free of charge.

How can I help you?

Linda Gugelfuß

Major Donor Consulting & Impact Analysis
+49 30 520 065 329

Our Part­ners