Impact Analyses
We show you what has impact! – Our analysis method makes the quality of non-profitwork visible and measurable.
With help of our impact analyses …
- those who fund can use their money more effectively, and
- those who help are able to better reach their target groups.
What makes it so special is that our method can be applied to all areas. It is as applicable to foundations and companies, as it is to the public sector, philanthropists and investors.
We help everyone who wants to make a donation or is looking for cooperation to find impact-oriented organizations. For that purpose, we create mappings of any depth and range upon request.
Our Seal of Impact analyses are of great importance to us. These analyses help us to identify non-profit projects that make an outstanding contribution to solving a social issue, and that have proven to have a high impact potential. We then award them with our Seal of Impact.
Our services:
- We analyze non-profit organizations and award them with our Seal of Impact.
- We support foundations & philanthropists as well as investors if they want to learn more about their own social impact, their impact logic or the impact of their funded projects. Upon request, we create mappings, scout projects or carry out risk checks.
- We analyze social enterprises and assess their impact potential and impact performance.
- Our database contains hundreds of projects that set an example and are worthy of a donation.
- We conduct evaluations of projects and programs specifically for the public sector.
- We share our expertise with everyone interested in impact — through publications, workshops and web-seminars.
This is what defines us:
- We have a patented analysis method that is transferable to all areas of work and life.
- We have now analyzed over 3,000 projects and organizations of all sizes and from all sectors. We are familiar with all aspects and fields in which impact can be manifested.
- We offer a large part of our expertise free of charge.
How can I help you?
Jonas Fathy

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