Helping effectively. With heart & strategy
Giving something back to society — this motivation drives more and more people. And that is how it should be, because Germany needs philanthropic engagement!
Wanting to do something for the needy requires heart. Wanting to really change something requires strategy. Someone who wants to help and make a change requires both.
In other words, the main idea is not how much you give, but whom you support and why. For when you donate this money to a verified, impact-oriented organization, you multiply the benefits for society.
We know who these impact-oriented organizations are, and we have proven strategies for your individual engagement.
We will provide you with support, if you:
- feel the desire to help those in need,
- ask yourself, where your help is most needed,
- want to find a societal engagement that really suits you,
- are looking for a suitable funding format – foundation, donation or impact investments?,
- search for a charity organization or a social enterprise, and require assistance with matching or consider a risk check,
- are looking for experts who implement your funding – whether it is controlling, reporting or the allocation of funds,
- want to design the process both lean and professional.
This is what defines us:
- We have many years of experience in major donation consulting and have successfully implemented various projects, from the establishment of a foundation to the donation with that innovative something.
- We offer adequate, lean project management.
- We are discrete.
Get more information:
Sonja Schäffler
Major Donor Consulting & Impact Analysis