The Seal of Impact
The Seal of Impact: Show the world what impact you have!
Are you actively committed to society with your project? And you want to show that your engagement has a proven impact? — Then have your project analyzed by PHINEO and show with the Seal of Impact that you make a difference!
In order for you to have your project analyzed by us, it must match our current call for proposals. More information on this, you can find on the page of our calls for proposals.
There are two seals of approval in Germany — one of them is the “Seal of Impact”. It is free of charge. You can use the Seal of Impact in variousways in your communication — on the website, in donation letters and on posters. With this seal you show potential supporters: You have what it takes to make a big impact and you handle entrusted funds with care!
What’s the benefit of the analysis?
Non-profit organizations receive constructive feedback throughout the whole analysis process. In addition to an independent assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, they receive advice on how they can achieve more in their everyday work with simple means.
In the event of being awarded, non-profit organizations can use the Seal of Impact in a number of ways in their communications.
In addition, companies and foundations like to draw on our pool of recommended projects when they are looking for new funding projects.
Have organizations already received higher donations through the Seal of Impact?
Yes, we know of many examples where the awarded Seal of Impact has had a positive effect on receiving donations. We know of individual donations in the five to six-figure range.
Alone through the nationwide fundraising campaign DEUTSCHLAND RUNDET AUF, which exclusively supports projects awarded by PHINEO, 10 million euros in donations have been raised so far. A considerable part of the 100 million euro funding budget of the SKala initiative also goes to Seal of Impact projects.
We also know of non-monetary donations in the form of consultancy services, workshops and training courses that organizations have received as a result of the Seal of Impact.
A survey among the Seal of Impact organizations in the summer of 2018 yielded the following results (n=114)
- Organizations using the Seal of Impactthus increase the likelihood to generate higher fundraising income. Of those who actively use the seal, 58% confirmed higher fundraising income; while only 47% of organizations not using the label did so.
- The Seal of Impact is a door opener especially for foundations. Approx. 78% of the organizations that have been awarded with the seal, entered into new cooperations with at least one foundation.
- 94% of those surveyed would recommend the PHINEO analysis to other organizations.
- 79% of all organizations stated that they had benefited from an image boost as a result of the award.
- 83% of all organizations have used the analysis process for internal learning and quality development, and e.g. initiated changes in the organization. Only 4% indicated that their expectations in this respect were not fulfilled.
What happens in the analysis process?
In our analysis feedback, we explain what we particularly like about the organization and in which areas there is potential for optimisation. We give suggestions…
- on the impact orientation of the organization in its project work, e.g. with regards to target review, quality development and learning culture
- on the pros and cons of the respective organizational structure, e.g. on the interaction between the committees and the management;
- on control mechanisms and the need for financial auditing;
- as to why it makes sense to work as transparently as possible and what specific requirements this entails
Participating organizations receive this consulting service free of charge — regardless of whether they are ultimately awarded our Seal of Impact.
And in any case, it applies: There is no musts, only cans! It is entirely up to you which of our ideas you finally want to implement. Of course we treat all data strictly confidential!
Questions about the Seal of Impact
The Seal of Impact is exclusively for non-profit organizations and projects.
A non-profit organization receives the Seal of Impact after successfully passing the four-stage analysis process. The analysis process is linked to a thematic call for proposals, which we conduct approximately once a year.
Participation in the call for proposals and the analysis are free of charge.
There are no analyses without a call for proposals.
The Seal of Impact has no period of validity. However, each seal bears a date, and thus provides information about the timeliness of the analysis.