Social Impact Navigator

Plan­ning ahead for what hap­pens afterwards

Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor: Reach project goals more effectively

Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor: Reach­ing project goals more effectively

The suc­cess of social projects is mea­sured by how much impact a project has — both for the tar­get groups and for soci­ety as a whole.

The Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor helps you to …

    • plan your project with the great­est pos­si­ble impact right from the start,
    • pre­cise­ly define goals and tar­get groups,
    • devel­op an impact log­ic for your project,
    • ana­lyze and mea­sure” the impact achieved,
    • com­mu­ni­cate and mar­ket your project to the appro­pri­ate audience

    But the Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor can do much more than just project man­age­ment: it also sup­ports you in your fundrais­ing! If you can demon­strate plau­si­bly how your project works and what suc­cess­es it achieves, you have good prospects for poten­tial donors.


    The Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor explains step by step in a clear and under­stand­able way how the often hec­tic every­day life of a project can be organ­ised more sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly. With exam­ples, tools and checklists.

    And best of all: the Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor is free of charge. Online and in print.

    Project man­age­ment for associations

    The Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor is a joint project of the Ber­tels­mann Stiftung and PHI­NEO. The Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor was first pub­lished in 2013. Since then, 40,000 copies have been dis­trib­uted, both online and in print.

    The Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor helps to put project man­age­ment in asso­ci­a­tions on a sol­id ground:

    • Needs assess­ment and con­text analy­sis: Suc­cess­ful project man­age­ment requires pre­cise knowl­edge of the needs of the tar­get groups. For the struc­ture and the plan­ning of a project, you need to know who is already work­ing in the project field and which offers you could use to fill gaps.
    • Defin­ing tar­get groups: A non­prof­it project is only suc­cess­ful if it effec­tive­ly reach­es the tar­get groups. As triv­ial as this may sound: in prac­tice tar­get group analy­ses are often very vague.
    • Defin­ing impact objec­tives: No project with­out a goal! Impact objec­tives are the foun­da­tion for effec­tive project man­age­ment in asso­ci­a­tions & NGOs. They spec­i­fy which mea­sures have to be tak­en and which process­es have to be installed to reach the tar­get groups.
    • Find­ing indi­ca­tors: In order to deter­mine whether the impact has occurred as fore­seen in the project plan, clues are needed,called indicators.
    • Mea­sur­ing impact: The achieved impact can be planned and mea­sured” or rather ana­lyzed. This may not be a key fig­ure, but it can be done in such a way that you can find out how well you make an impact”.
    • Cre­at­ing an impact log­ic: What is the log­ic behind the project, which stages build upon on each oth­er? An impact log­ic helps you to set upthe struc­ture and plan­ning of a project in such a way that resources are used in an opti­mal way.
    • Mon­i­tor­ing & data col­lec­tion: There are count­less meth­ods of data col­lec­tion. Among them are some that asso­ci­a­tions can imple­ment on their own.
    • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion with spon­sors, coop­er­a­tion part­ners and the pub­lic does not only appear cred­i­ble, but also con­tributes to the qual­i­ty man­age­ment, because you can iden­ti­fy devi­a­tions from the plan more quickly.

    You will find this and much more in the Social Impact Nav­i­ga­tor. You can down­load it at the upper part of the page. 

    I'm happy to help!

    Bettina Kurz

    Consulting & Organizational Development
    +49 30 520 065 311