Think Tank

Think­ing about tomor­row today

What dri­ves us is the desire to think about tomor­row today:

  • If the world were a bet­ter place, what would it look like? 
  • How can we inspire even more peo­ple and insti­tu­tions for soci­etal engagement? 
  • In which areas are new chal­lenges aris­ing? Where are inno­v­a­tive and ground­break­ing con­cepts being made? 
  • Which con­di­tions do rel­e­vant actors need who want to get engaged? How can resilient struc­tures be established? 
  • Are there approach­es that are laughed at today but that will be the next big thing tomor­row?

We use the knowl­edge that we gen­er­ate in all our research and analy­ses to come up with new and even bet­ter ser­vices for our tar­get groups. That way they achieve even more, and we learn more. A con­stant cycle.

Would you like to sup­port us or are you look­ing for a collaboration? 

Our ser­vices:

  • We gen­er­ate stud­ies, sec­tor analy­ses or ready-to-use field research accord­ing to your per­son­al preferences.
  • With you we think about new, sus­tain­able mod­els of engage­ment, about alter­na­tives or improvements.
  • We con­duct trend analy­ses of how and where demands and soci­etal engage­ment are developing.
  • With our posi­tion papers, we enliv­en major debates, e.g. on diver­si­ty, digi­ti­sa­tion and more trans­paren­cy in the sector.

This is what defines us:

  • We under­stand soci­etal engage­ment bet­ter like no oth­er. We do research, we com­pile stud­ies, we car­ry out sec­tor analyses. 
  • We have in-depth exper­tise on top­ics, indus­tries, mar­kets and trends.
  • We always con­sid­er all per­spec­tives, even the unusu­al ones: This is why we rely on bright minds and part­ners who com­ple­ment us.


Studie: Wirkungsorientierte Steuerung in Non-Profit-Organisationen

Analysen & Befunde zum Zustand des dritten Sektors

Studie: Wirkungstransparenz in Spenden-Organisationen (2016)

Im Namen der Guten. Wie transparent arbeiten 50 große Spenden-Organisationen?