Wel­fare & Non-Prof­it Organizations

Work envi­ron­ments thought differently

Sav­ing lives, pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment, net­work­ing peo­ple – every day, many peo­ple and more than 600,000 orga­ni­za­tions demon­strate their com­mit­ment for soci­ety. At the same time, the demands on their work are con­tin­u­ous­ly increas­ing: the pub­lic and donors expect full trans­paren­cy, fun­ders request impact reports, employ­ees require pro­fes­sion­al struc­tures, not to men­tion the short­age of spe­cial­ists, digi­ti­sa­tion and New Work. 

At PHI­NEO we are not able to halt this trend. How­ev­er, since our foun­da­tion we have been sup­port­ing play­ers from wel­fare, social enter­pris­es and large orga­ni­za­tions to design their work­ing envi­ron­ments in a way to keep pace. As once in a while, also peo­ple help­ing oth­ers need some help. 

That is why we sup­port you to:

  • learn every­thing about impact-ori­ent­ed man­age­ment and the mea­sure­ment of impact,
  • approach the con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ment of your orga­ni­za­tion; key words: resilient orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­tures, devel­op­ing impact chains or impact log­ics, defin­ing impact indi­ca­tors, enhanc­ing employee’s qual­i­fi­ca­tions and their pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, scal­ing suc­cess­ful models, 
  • devel­op con­tem­po­rary mis­sion state­ments, visions, mind­sets, strate­gies and goals
  • find use­ful meth­ods of data col­lec­tion and data evaluation,
  • car­ry out impact analy­ses
  • assess the fea­si­bil­i­ty of inno­v­a­tive financ­ing instru­ments and impact-ori­ent­ed dis­burse­ment mod­els such as Social Impact Bonds, to imple­ment them and to pro­vide oper­a­tional support
  • to set up a con­clu­sive impact report­ing, for instance, to demon­strate how your work has an impact on soci­ety and that you are mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant difference

    This is what defines us:

    • We are famil­iar with the struc­tures, pro­ce­dures and needs of large insti­tu­tions and orga­ni­za­tions – includ­ing also those that pro­vide ser­vices in accor­dance with the Code of Social Law.
    • We have expe­ri­ence in orga­ni­za­tion­al devel­op­ment of large non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions with more than 100 employees.
    • It is our basic inter­est and part of our mis­sion that wel­fare and non-prof­it orga­nizia­tions effec­tive­ly reach their tar­get groups.

    How can I help you?

    Jonas Fathy

    Major Donor Consulting & Impact Analysis
    +49 30 520 065 113

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