About us

Who we are, what we do

Our vision

For a strong civ­il society

Our vision is one of a vibrant, strong civ­il soci­ety in which doing good and achiev­ing social impact belong firm­ly togeth­er. After all, it is only by work­ing togeth­er that the poten­tial for soci­ety and for each indi­vid­ual will ful­ly unfold.
Com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion and resources should be made avail­able to all those who wish to con­tribute to this social development.

Our mis­sion

Empow­er­ing Non­prof­its for Max­i­mum Impact

We help non­prof­it organ­i­sa­tions bet­ter achieve their goals. As a think tank, con­sul­tan­cy and social organ­i­sa­tion, we work to ensure that com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment has a real impact.
We are com­mit­ted to ensur­ing that every hour of work and every euro is spent for the best pos­si­ble outcome.

1. We think ahead

Discover the new

Innovation is the currency of the knowledge-based society. Therefore we explore new ideas of philanthropy and impact investing. We link proven and innovative methods and ensure that new approaches can be successfully implemented.

2. We analyze

Making social impact visible

Fighting poverty, helping children, saving the environment – every day thousands of people work to make the world a better place. But what do they need to achieve an even greater social impact? – By exploring this matter, we track down big ideas and identify mechanisms behind them.

3. We advise

Help for self-help

We support everyone who wants to make a difference – nonprofit organizations, foundations, companies, ministries, individuals. We also create networks among these players. By working together, projects can be taken on that individuals would not be able to do on their own.

4. We act

With heart and mind

Implementing our own ideas is another competence that our own projects teach us. Especially through them, we learn both faster and more effectively. And when things are going well, we turn a loose idea into a groundbreaking innovation.