About us: Who we are, what we do

Vision & mission

Our vision for a strong civil society
Our vision is one of a vibrant, strong civil society in
which doing good and achieving social impact belong firmly together.
After all, it is only by working together that the potential for society
and for each individual will fully unfold.
Comprehensive information and resources should be made available to all those who wish to contribute to this social development.

Our mission: Empowering nonprofits for maximum impact
We help nonprofit organisations better achieve their goals. As a think tank, consultancy and social organisation, we work to ensure that community engagement has a real impact.
We are committed to ensuring that every hour of work and every euro is spent for the best possible outcome.
Four ways to reach our goals:

1. We think ahead
Innovation is the currency of the knowledge-based society. Therefore we explore new ideas of philanthropy and impact investing. We link proven and innovative methods and ensure that new approaches can be successfully implemented.

2. We analyze
Fighting poverty, helping children, saving the environment – every day thousands of people work to make the world a better place. But what do they need to achieve an even greater social impact? By exploring this matter, we track down big ideas and identify mechanisms behind them.

3. We advise
We support everyone who wants to make a difference – nonprofit organizations, foundations, companies, ministries, individuals. We also create networks among these players. By working together, projects can be taken on that individuals would not be able to do on their own.

4. We act
Implementing our own ideas is another competence that our own projects teach us. Especially through them, we learn both faster and more effectively. And when things are going well, we turn a loose idea into a groundbreaking innovation.
Our committees
Executive Board, Supervisory Board, Advisory Board – who does what?
As a non-profit stock corporation, PHINEO is subject to the regulations of the German stock corporation law. The non-profit stock corporation has three executive bodies: The Executive Board, the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting. In addition, an Advisory Board is in place.
The Executive Board
The full-time Executive Board consists of Dr. Andreas M. Rickert and Dr. Anna K. Herrhausen. The executive board manages the business activities, represents PHINEO externally and is primarily responsible for the establishment of partnerships, the further development of contacts as well as the overall strategy. The board informs the committees on a regular basis, approves the annual accounts and accepts the auditor’s report.
Christian Berger and Juliane Hagedorn support the Executive Board in the management of the organization.
The Supervisory Board
The honorary Supervisory Board consists of six committed members. It is in its responsibility to control the Executive Board of PHINEO, in particular the auditing of the annual report.
In addition, the Supervisory Board must approve the transactions set out in the Articles of Corporation, such as the development of new business segments.
The members of Supervisory Board are:
- Michael Peters, former member of the Eurex Frankfurt AG Executive Board at Deutsche Boerse AG, until 30.09.2024 (Chairman)
- Dr. Brigitte Mohn, member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board (Deputy Chairwoman)
- Benedikt Assies, Business Development at Limes Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
- Mattias Schmelzer, CEO and spokesman of the board KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
- Matthias Schmolz, CEO and Commercial Director by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
- Dr. Aischa Astou Saw, Managing director SAW Consulting
The Annual General Meeting
The General Meeting of the non-profit corporation is a deciding body. It is composed of all shareholders and meets once a year.
Topics include:
- the presentation of the approved annual accounts of PHINEO and the report of the Supervisory Board,
- the report of the Executive Board, the appropriation of retained earnings, the discharge of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board,
- the appointment of the auditor
The Advisory Board
PHINEO is supported by renowned experts and prominent personalities on a voluntary basis. In the Advisory Board they promote the concept of an impact-oriented civil society.
The Advisory Board provides PHINEO with content-related expertise as well as the independent view from the outside.
- Friederike Behrens, Managing director, Postcode Lotterie DT gGmbH
- Armin v. Buttlar, Executive Board at Aktion Mensch association
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen, Executive Board at Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Institute for Wealthibility and Wealth Psychology
- Kimberly Marteau Emerson, Board of Directors, Human Rights Watch
- Steffen Feldmann, Chief Operating Officer, Caritas Internationalis
- Thiemo Fojkar, CEO of Internationaler Bund (IB)
- Daniela Geue, Lawyer
- Dr. Anna Katharina Gollan, Partner at P+P Pöllath and Partners
- Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen, Presenter, Author, Founder
- Anne Jeglinksi, Head of District Office / Innovation and Impact Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin e.V.
- Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander, Chair of the Institute for Family Businesses and SMEs (ifbm@WHU) and Chair of Family Businesses, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
- Norbert Kunz, CEO Social Impact gGmbH
- Dr. Florian Langenscheidt, Entrepreneur, Founder
- Michael Löher, Managing Director at German Association for Public and Private Welfare
- Torsten Müller, Founder
- Oliver Oehri, Founding Partner at silverFOX 77
- Alexandra von Rehlingen, Managing Director at Schoeller & von Rehlingen
- Hajo Riesenbeck, Managing Director at Riesenbeck-IC GmbH
- Steffen Schulze-Ketelhut, PRIO Holding GmbH
- Regine Sixt, CEO of Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation
- Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth, former President of the Bundestag
- Sandra Thier, Presenter
- Melinda Weber, Managing Director at WohnRaumGesellschaft mbH
Friends of PHINEO
Who are the Friends of PHINEO?
The Friends of PHINEO are a group of sponsors who support the analysis and the awarding of the Seal of Impact to particularly effective non-profit organizations.
What is the Seal of Impact?
PHINEO’s Seal of Impact is a seal of approval for particularly effective non-profit projects. In Germany there are two charity seals, one of them is the Seal of Impact (“Wirkt-Siegel”). It is available free of charge.
The Seal of Impact is the result of a scientific method developed by PHINEO, in which we thoroughly analyze organizations for their quality. Only when all aspects of the project, its funding and the people involved have been fully explored, an independent panel of experts will decide together with PHINEO whether the organization will receive the Seal of Impact.
How can I become a member?
With a donation of 10.000 Euro per year you can join the Friends of PHINEO. With this funding you enable us to analyze and provide professional support to two non-profit organizations.
Who is Friends of PHINEO for?
Entrepreneurs, lawyers, scientists, celebrities – Friends of PHINEO brings together committed people from all sectors to jointly realize the vision of a strong civil society.
What’s in it for me?
With your funding, you make a decisive contribution to ensuring that outstanding organizations achieve adequate public visibility — and receive more financial support. You will also help us to establish the concept of impact orientation in the public perception of society.
- You expand your network: Once a year all Friends of PHINEO members meet up. Take this opportunity for an informal exchange with like-minded people!
- You ensure greater transparency in the sector: The Seal of Impact serves as a guideline for sponsors. By expanding the pool of recommended organizations with your funding, you make a significant contribution to ensuring that sponsors learn more about pioneering funding approaches. And, impact-oriented organizations will gain faster the visibility that they need.
- You can get into close contact with organizations: We regularly award the Seal of Impact to organizations. As a sponsor you are cordially invited to get to know your organization and to congratulate it personally. We would be happy to initiate a personal contact with an organization and support you if you are planning a more extensive commitment.
- You enable two non-profit organizations to receive free organizational consulting: By providing funding, you ensure that we can support organizations without them having to pay for it. The costs for the analysis are borne solely by the sponsors.
- You can deduct the donation from your taxes.
What is the purpose of the seal?
The Seal of Impact contributes to the efforts of non-profit organizations to invest more than before in the quality of their work, which demonstrably leads to a significant competitive advantage. In addition, by paying more attention to the actual impact of projects, it motivates organizations to take a closer look at their own effectiveness and report with more transparency on their work.
And that works?
Absolutely! A survey, in which 114 of our awarded organizations took part, revealed the following picture:
- 94% would recommend the PHINEO analysis procedure to other organizations.
- 78% confirm higher fundraising income due to the award.
- 58% entered into new cooperations as a result of the award. The seal also acts as a door opener for foundations.
- 79% stated that they had benefited from an image improvement as a result of the award.
- 83% used the analysis process for internal learning & quality development and initiated changes in the organizations.
We are committed

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