
Our pub­li­ca­tions in Eng­lish. In print and as eBook. All free of charge.

Please note that we have only a lim­it­ed num­ber of pub­li­ca­tions that are avail­able in Eng­lish. Please vis­it our Ger­man library to browse more than 120 pub­li­ca­tions. We are aware of our down­load tool that offers a ger­man ser­vice only. How­ev­er, you are able to down­load eng­lish ver­sions with this. In case you need help, please dont hes­i­tate to con­tact us!


Corporate Volunteering Guidebook

Step by step towards social engagement – The practical guide for socially committed companies

Youth in Europe

Companies as co-creators of socioecological transformation

Social Impact Navigator

Our Bestseller: Effective project management for nonprofit organizations. Choose your language

Theme report: “Being strong together”

Strengthening social cohesion. Projects, quality criteria & funding tips

Study: Paths to Working Life

Effective Civil Society Measures Supporting Women and Migrants

Sector Report: Jobs Ahead

Effective Civil Society Measures Supporting Women and Migrants

If you have any ques­tions please con­tact us:

phone: +49 30 520 065 400
mail: orga@​phineo.​org or info@​phineo.​org