Work­shops & Web-Seminars

Prax­is. Knowl­edge. Online and offline

Achiev­ing bet­ter impact — our workshops

Would you like to achieve even more with your soci­etal engage­ment? Man­age social projects bet­ter? Use your impact wise­ly for fundrais­ing? Then we have a good solu­tion for you! Browse through our wide range of ser­vices or write to us, so that we can pro­vide you with an indi­vid­ual offer for an in-house train­ing or consulting.

Even though the work­shop has been a few days ago, the top­ic of impact is still very present in our minds and has more and more influ­ence on our work!”

Angela Mis­pagel, mis­sio — Inter­na­tionales Katholis­ches Mis­sion­swerk e.V.

The work­shops are a ser­vice pro­vid­ed by the SKala Campus.

    The next events

    Please check our ger­man page for up to date announcements

    Online training series: Corporate Citizenship Plus

    In our new online training series, professionals responsible for CC learn the essentials of solid CSR and CV management.

    In three key elements, we share knowledge with beginners and professionals about how to successfully manage CV projects, enter into cooperation with non-profit organizations, and use tools skilfully.

    Certified training Impact Management

    Welcome to the impact workshop! In our in-service training, experts teach you the mode of thought of impact-oriented organizations. As a certified impact manager you learn the tools to successfully introduce impact orientation into your organization.

    Basic knowledge for effective project management

    This 1.5-day workshop is one of our classics and is suitable for beginners dealing with the topic of impact orientation. We show you how to plan social projects, develop impact targets and indicators for data collection.

    Impact knowledge for the funding practice

    In our workshop especially for sponsors, we reveal how you can achieve the greatest possible impact even with limited resources. How to design funding projects effectively - this is how it works.

    Making an impact with the Social Reporting Standard (SRS)

    The Social Reporting Standard (SRS) is a reporting standard that helps to systematically prepare all relevant organization and impact data. In the workshop you learn how to prepare your impact data with the SRS.

    Customized consulting

    Talk to us!

    We would be pleased to make an individual offer for you. Whether in-house training or consulting, we will arrange an individual appointment with you. Get in touch with us!


    No mat­ter whether you are a com­pa­ny, foun­da­tion or non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, impact pro­fes­sion­al or new­com­er: We offer some­thing for every­one. And this is how you register:

    • for the cer­tifi­cate to become an impact man­ag­er you can get infor­ma­tion here
    • for all oth­er work­shops a short e‑mail to workshops@​phineo.​org is sufficient.

    You will then receive a con­fir­ma­tion of reg­is­tra­tion includ­ing the invoice. The with­draw­al from the work­shops is free of charge until one week before the event. After that, we have to claim the full amount.

    If you have any ques­tions please con­tact us:

    phone: +49 30 520 065 400
    mail: orga@​phineo.​org or info@​phineo.​org