BASF Group - Strategy development for social engagement
The aim of the consulting project was to align BASF’s increased social commitment with the corporate strategy so that all employees feel a sense of identification and their engagement has an even greater impact on society and the company. Based on a global engagement strategy, a differentiated local engagement strategy was then to be developed at the main plant in Ludwigshafen, which would also serve as an example for other national affiliates.
We accompanied the BASF team on the way to this global and local engagement strategy, structured and facilitated participation processes and contributed our expertise in the area of corporate citizenship.
Project partner: BASF Group | Duration:
In order to involve internal stakeholders, we conducted individual interviews and workshops with several departments. At the same time, we prepared a benchmark analysis that depicted the social engagementof corporations of comparable size.
Based on the findings, we assisted BASF in designing general guidelines and more precise tools for the practical implementation of the Social Engagement Strategy in individual projects.
The key elements of the new “Social Engagement” strategy is a strong needs analysis and a joint planning and implementation of projects — both using an impact-oriented and learning-oriented approach. Internal and external partners as well as local employees are also to be more actively involved than in the past in order to shape and breathe life into local social engagement
All results were elaborated, improved and coordinated in several workshops. Since different departments and hierarchical levels were involved, the strategy was also subsequently met with great approval.
BASF now has a target-oriented modernSocial Engagement Strategy — both at global and local level — and a corresponding implementation plan that is in line with the corporate philosophy and strategy. It is supported by the relevant operating divisions and actively involves the employees.
“Together with PHINEO, we at BASF have succeeded in developing a coherent strategic approach for our nonprofit activities that focuses on impact orientation and the creation of learning opportunities.”
Karin Heyl, Social Engagement & Work-Life-Management, BASF
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