Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft
Transparency is a high priority for us!
As part of the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft, we therefore committed ourselves in November 2011 to publish the following information. In the current annual report, we report in much more detail on our objectives, activities and impact. Since 2019, we have also had our greenhouse gas emissions determined by the climate protection organization atmosfair and compensate them.
1. Name, registered (head) office, address and year of foundation
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin
Year of foundation: 2009
2. Complete articles of corporation and objectives of our organization
The objectives we pursue are described in the annual reports. You will find them, as well as our articles of corporation, in the publications section or at the bottom of this site. We also provide information about our mission and the responsibilities derived from it on the About us page and on the entire website.
3. Information on tax concession
Due to the promotion of the charitable, benevolent and ecclesiastical purposes mentioned in § 52 of the German Fiscal Code, our work is recognised as non-profit making within the meaning of § 5 Para. 1 No. 9 of the German Corporation Tax Act, and also in accordance with the certificate we have received from the Tax Office for Corporations I, Berlin (tax number DE 268 115 039). The certificate is dated 28.06.2024.
In the case of donations which we receive for the realisation of these purposes, we are entitled to issue membership fees and donation receipts according to the officially prescribed form (§ 50 para. 1 EStDV).
4. Name and function of major decision makers
We confirm that the bodies which have to make decisions binding for our organization meet regularly and that the meetings are recorded in minutes.
Requests to our organization will be answered within a reasonable period of time.
The annual accounts are personally signed off by two decision-makers in our organization.
An overview of our committees and all decision-makers can be found here …
5. Activity report
We provide information about our activities and operations in our annual reports. You will find these at the bottom of the site.
6. Structure of personnel
Comprehensive information on PHINEO’s personnel structure can be found in the current annual report and online on the team page.
7. Information on the source of funds
The PHINEO gAG is financed in about equal parts from three main funding sources:
- the shareholders,
- project-related funding partners and
- performance-related revenues (contract work).
Detailed information on the source of funds can be found in the current annual report. The balance sheet as well as the statement of profit and loss are available in the publications section.
8. Information on the use of funds
Information on the use of funds can be found in the current annual report; the balance sheet as well as the statement of profit and loss are available in the publications section.
The annual financial statements have been submitted to external auditors for auditing. The auditing company prepared a detailed report, which was issued with an “unqualified opinion”.
The auditor’s certificate confirms that PHINEO gAG has proper accounting.
The focus of the audit was on the existence and completeness of the reported revenues and the completeness of the expenditures as well as the correct allocation to the ideational area, economic business operations and special-purpose activities. This included both system audits of the internal controlling system as well as analytical audit procedures and individual case examinations.
9. Affiliation with third parties under company law
PHINEO gAG has no affiliations with third parties under company law.
At this point, PHINEO gAG would like to disclose its owners with a share of more than ten percent of the AG:
- PHINEO Pool e.V. (60%), represented by Wilhelm Kollenbroich
- Bertelsmann Stiftung (12%), represented by Mr Ralph Heck
10. Names of legal entities whose annual payments represent more than ten percent of the total annual budget
There is no legal entity whose grants account for more than ten percent of the total budget.
CO² emissions and compensation
We compensated our emissions with a contribution through a high quality atmosfair project (Gold Standard and CDM certified; certificate as PDF).
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